1. component
Camshaft sensor
2. removing components
* Escape from the negative battery cable
* Off the air filter assembly
a. Disconnect the inlet air temperature sensor connector.
b. Disconnect the VSV connector.
c. Remove the charcoal canister hose No. outlet. 2.
d. Remove the hoses from VSV.
e. Unplug the vacuum sensor.
f. Disconnect vacuum hose from the sensor.
g. Separate reserve tank hose from the air filter hose clamps.
h. Remove the four bolts, then remove the air filter and air filter hose.
3. remove the camshaft position sensor
a. Disconnect the camshaft position sensor connector.
b. Remove the bolts and camshaft position sensors.
4. check the camshaft position sensor
a. Check the prisoners.
a.1. Use an ohmmeter, measure resistance between the terminals.
custody standard
Condition Tester relationship specifications
1 () - 2 (-) 1800 to 2500 Ω at 20 ° C
If the results are not in accordance with the specification, replace the camshaft position sensor.
5. installation of camshaft position sensor
a. Apply a thin engine oil to the O-ring, then plug the camshaft position sensor with the bolt.
7.5 N * m
Ensure that the O-ring is not cracked or pinched during installation.
b. Connect the camshaft position sensor connector.
6. reassembling the air filter assembly
a. Replace the air filter and air filter hose with 4 bolts.
7.5 N * m
b. Attach a hose to the reserve tank air filter hose clamps.
c. Connect the hose to the VSV.
e. Connect the charcoal canister hose outlet No. 2.
d. Connect the vacuum hose to the vacuum sensor.
e. Connect the vacuum sensor.
f. Connect the VSV connector.
g. Connect the intake air temperature sensor connector.