Saturday, January 16, 2010

symptoms of noise in vehicles

halao long post I do not apologize because they busy at the office .... okay this time I want to discuss the problem sound sound in your Toyota vehicle .... a lot of noise sounds in the vehicle one of which I will discuss a rumble when the vehicle is road bada .... when that happens you and your Toyota vehicle wondering what causes these sounds .... you can check on the spot without requiring you to lay off the vehicle when it occurs for example when the sound of the sound was incurred at the speed of 80 km / h try you do increase the speed of your Toyota vehicle speed ...... if the sound is getting lost, the sound is caused by the tires of the condition is not good ... and if the sound is getting higher according to the speed of your Toyota vehicle, the sound is coming from .... bearing in mind when the need occurs and is caused by a bearing (ball bearing) you should feel

sounds when the vehicle sped back to normal ... if the sound is not too big .... lajutkan your trip to the garage or your house .... to make sure the sound is caused by the wheel bearings you can check the position of bearing a way

you jack your vehicle continue to hold the parts close to the wheel bearings, rolling his tires and when you feel like a round felt in tangang that is not soft then the bearings are damaged and must be replaced to do in the service of your vehicle ... do at all wheels with a stage as above